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상품 목록
( Model Number : R-510 )
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◎ Discription

The device charges natural energy at infrared diodes through solar cell. It is a multi-functional medical device for healing painful parts by means of infrared energy from the infrared lamps and magnetic force from the parmanent magnet points.


◎ Construction

1. The solar cell is positionedon the upper layer, and the infrared diode powered by the solar cell is mounted on the center of the lower layer and irradiates infrared rays.

2. There are 4gold-ion coated sharp points to generate magnetic power.


◎ Features

1. Solar cell : The part charges solar energy.

2. Power indicator : A green light turns on when power is supplied. It indicates normal working of infrare irradiation

3. Case : it encloses major parts of product

4. Protective cover : It protects infrared lamps and magnetic part against tough handling

5. Power switch : A push-phsu switch for solar cell charging on and off.

6. Magnetic points (4 each) : They transfer the magnetic force generating from the permanent magnets.

7. Infrared rays : Infrared diode generates infrared rays.


◎ intended use

1. persona infrared irradiator for medical use, relieving the muscular pain by infrared effect.

2. Magnetic force generator, relieving the muscular pain by using parmanent magnetic force.


◎ Specificatiom

* Voltage rating

- infrared irradiation : 2.8V(solar cell)

- heating lamp : 3.9V(solar cell)

* Infrared wavelength : 850 nm

* Intensity of infared irradiation : 3mW

* Permanent magnet : 1,000 Gauss

* Number of solar cell : 2



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